Sunday, 6 January 2013

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Sometimes. . .
Sitting in a room full of people, a room full of conversation,
 you feel like you don't belong, the conversation around sounds like noise... and all you want to do is, get up and walk right out.
Lying down with your earphones on, you suddenly have some people over, and how you sigh softly, wishing you could just spend some more time to yourself.

Imagining yourself in a better place... doing something else instead.

Sometimes. . .
This happens to all of us. Sometimes, we feel we just don't belong.
Only, in my case, sometimes means a lot of times.

At certain instances, i find myself wondering about my presence in a certain situation, the futility of the discussion i'm in the middle of.
Discussions are extremely important in life - that's how we exchange perspectives, thoughts and ideas.
Discussion and conversation are such relieving concepts, in fact .Getting your thoughts across to people is always a good feeling, getting to know people have similar thoughts as you is even better - "I love Avril!" "Oh  God, you too, hi5!"
 Instant bonding.

Now, to give ourselves a reality check, many times when we are in a discussion, we find people who probably don't agree with your opinions. There can be mild differences or ones of iceberg-proportions.

Of course, different opinions are carried by different ( includes weird, crazy, strange, eccentric, ALL that. Trust me.) people.

I am so horrible at categorizing, I swear, but I've sworn i'm gonna give it a try this time.
So,  presenting before you,
1. Lazy asses : These people further come in 2 mutations: ones with an opinon, but too lazy too fight for it, and the other ones, too lazy to form an opinon in the first place.

2. 'I'm in bliss, 'cause I'm ignorant' people : These guys swear by their motto. The motto says it all itself, but to elaborate further, they don't feel strongly enough about anything to go ahead and form an opinion on it.

3. 'I'm ignorant, and so you better run people : Now this amazing variety is so lost in themselves, they don't open their eyes to others' opinions.

4. 'I respect your opinion' people : True saints, these people are endagered species. More endangered than the Tiger, i'd say. They give a 50-50 per cent weightage to both the opinions, theirs, and yours.
( and at night a halo appears over their head :-) )

5. 'YOU'RE WRONG! ' people : True devils, their population is increasing fast. If they say the earth is a cuboid, you better agree.

6. "I know you're right, but I just wouldn't admit it' people :
Here is the tribe that keeps crumbling in its own ego. Needless to say, insecurities rise when a different opinion is in sight.


7. 'You could be right, but I believe in what I think' people : Firm believers, they'll not budge easily form their point of view. But if you got something better, you're only going to gain this person's repsects.

So just like the seven deadly sins, there are 7 different kinds of people 'carrying opinions'.
Recognize what kind of a sinner YOU are, and once you're through that step, respect others of your brethren. And respect who are not like you for the sake of diversity.

Oh, and, what do you think of my article!? I think it's awesome. If you think otherwise, I'm category 5.
Just saying.;)