Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Life Full of Liberal Libran Surprises!

*In the middle of a typical phonecall between me and my best friend*
Me: I wonder why he's like that!
Best Friend: Alisha, what's his date of birth?
Me: Um, 26th September?"
Best Friend: He's a Libran.
Me: GOOD HEAVENS! #@$#%^^&$#$
Another Libran, seriously?!


Is God playing 'Let's test your Libra tolerance' with me!?
No, I do not hate Librans. In fact, my life is so full of 'Liberal Libran Surprises!', that there's just no space for absolute hatred. That said, I don't necessarily mean Libra is my favourite Zodiac.

Actually, it's nowhere even close. Read on, you'll know. ;)

Alright, time for a disclaimer before the Librans get ready to pounce on me!
This post is a light-hearted take on the overwhelming quantity and quality of Librans I have met in the course of my being. De facto, my very best friend that I mentioned in the conversation above is a Libran! And, here I'd like to take the opportunity to thank this Libran girl for providing me live demonstrations of all the Libran characters I saw so very often but always failed to get. Had you not told me it's in you guys' very Zodiac, I would have jumped in a river trying to figure out the impossible!

Oh, and by the way, I'm a Capricorn. And not a Linda Goodman fan! For all I have to say, today I take the liberty to talk about people based on their Zodiac only considering my expriences with Librans so far. Considering they have been so similar, it only made a lot of sense to conclude that there indeed was a connection. Heck, lotttsss of connection!

Moving on, there are  quite a few ( wait, did I just write FEW!?) things about Libran guys that get me fired up and heady and wanting to either drown the guy or myself in a bottomless hot spring. That didn't make much sense, but, what the hell.

Here we go!


His “alone mood", that is the time when he is acutely aware of his surroundings, but will rather lie quietly or submerge himself in a book for a long time rather than deal with the real world. Sleep and rest is sacred to this sign and he often pretends to be asleep or resting just so you wouldn’t disturb him. For all his appreciation of constant contact with friends and family, this guy will turn off his cellphone or take the landline off the hook while he rests.
Okay. Do whatever you feel like doing, but you-never-can-avoid-a-Capricorn-girl-like-that!
If we are there for you every second, every minute, how can you possibly be kind enough to return the favour like THIS?!

Case #2

He  likes arguments for the sake of arguments.
He doesn’t care which side he is on, as long as the argument continues to entertain him. Expect him to change sides in a blink of an eye if he perceives that one side is winning over the other.

Being one girl who would stick to her stand till eternity, this trait built into you guys is a BUGGGER!

"In Love: Don’t expect this guy to understand your contradicting behaviour. "
And this one line, sums up the story of my life.

For example, quoting from Guy Sensing (Libra) | The Evil Called Love,
When he asks if you’re ok, and you reply “I’m ok”. He will take it that you really are OK, but will be slightly confused as to why you’re still frowning or still don’t want to eat. He will not spend his mental energy figuring out the reasons behind the reasons why you're in a bad mood. He will ask you for an explanation only once, and then he will move on.

Boy, is that frustrating?! You are supposed to let us enjoy out right to act pricey too! Please, don't run, drill us till we tell you!

My list can truly go on and on and never come to a satisfying end, but this post sure will!
All said and done, Librans have influenced my entity in a big way. And, at the moment, I can do nothing but thank them for all the positives I've learnt from them, and thank them for the exceptional level of patience I've developed because of them.

So, God, I'm game for your Libra tolerance test! Give me strength! And patience, grit, determination, confidence, power, faith....

I told you, I am a hopeless case. ;)

Source: Guy Sensing (Libra) | The Evil Called Love

PS. This post broadly deals with Libran males. Hence, Peace girls! I love you!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Of Now and Then. . .

Sometimes, when we are so settled in life (on the couch, cushions adjusted, remote and popcorn just within reach) and least expecting it, change happens.
Of all the things that ‘characterize’ life, things that never change irrespective of whether you live in an Igloo or a mansion, is the fact that LIFE changes.
The change could be as sudden as an earthquake-Like you sitting and having your cup of morning coffee and receiving a phone call that blatantly changes things in your life, drastically or not, is not the question.
OR, it could be gradual. time-taking… like a stream of water that falls from a height and corrodes all rock it passes over . You don’t see the rock break down at one go, but after a period of time, the rock is not the same anymore, it has now changed, broken down into tiny fragments.
Sometimes apparent, like in the first case, and at other times, underlying, but change is omnipresent.  It’s always there.
But why I am thinking so much about change and transition, I asked myself. And pat came the reply – “you’ve changed!” 
Yes, I am a hopeless case.
Going back a year; I would have rather been caught dead than writing about CHANGE! But, since this is not last year,  and in fact this is class eleven, it only makes a lot of sense that I realize my life has taken a sharp turn and is now much different from what it used to be.
there are many time –wasting activities I indulge in, like I  sit by the window and watch the rain fall, sometimes for hours… and just, think.( Not like I can’t think otherwise, but just  the fact that rain provides a nice backdrop for the lost-in-thought frame of mind. Come on people, don’t you watch movies!?)- What if time could stay still? What if things never changed? Why do people pretend so much? Why do they live such an inhibited life?
Where is this smell of Latte coming from?
And, then I run inside.
And, activity kicks right back. Physics- derivations, chemistry-reactions, biology-development, math- sin, cos, tan.  Homework! Debates, speeches, articles (?).  
Amidst all the discussion, the fact that’s highlighted is that the most we can do about change is feel it, think over it, let it sink in and do what humans do best- adapt.
There’s a sunrise following every dawn, life gets back to normal even after the most grueling disasters.
And so, here’s to the change that is, very famously, put, inevitable, and here’s to life!